Thomas Edison, Inventor and Manufacturer of the Incandescent Lamp (1847-1931)

Pierre Curie, Discoverer of Piezoelectricity (1859-1906)

Marie Curie, Discoverer of Radioactivity (1867-1934)

Heinrich Hertz, Discoverer of Radio Waves (1857-1894)

James Clerk Maxwell, Theoretician of Electromagnetic Waves (1831-1879)

Marcel Deprez, Developer of Electrical Transmission (1843-1918)

Galileo Ferraris, Inventor of the Induction Motor (1847-1897)

Lucien Gaulard, Inventor of the Electrical Transformer (1850-1888)

Zénobe Gramme, Genius Electrician (1826-1901)

Michael Faraday, Pioneer of Electromagnetic Induction (1791-1867)
